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Simple Stress Relief - Solar Plexus Push

Here is a simple exercise you can do anytime, anywhere, whenever you need to release tension from your body and your mind.

You'll find your Solar Plexus reflex almost directly in the centre of the palm of your hand. It's located in the fleshy area of the palm, just below the knuckle bones of your fingers.

We can hold a lot of tension in the Solar Plexus region of the body (the abdomen). This simple exercise will help to release that tension, almost like a pressure cooker releasing steam through a valve. It's a really simple technique and it really works.

  1. Starting with your right hand, press the pad of your thumb directly into your Solar Plexus reflex.

  2. As you press your thumb firmly inward, inhale through your nose for a count of 4. Imagine the air filling your belly.

  3. Hold for a count of 4 (or as long as you are comfortable to).

  4. While exhaling through your mouth, gently release the thumb pressure on your Solar Plexus reflex.

  5. Repeat the above 3 times.

  6. Move to your left hand and repeat the above steps.

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